Yes, this announcement includes AVCI Talisay. Both clinics (Cebu City & Talisay) will close by 5pm.
The schedule adjustment is temporary. Depending on the progress made by our LGUs against COVID-19, we adjust our schedules to benefit both staff and clients’ health.
Yes, we have and they are as follows:
1. Social distancing (one seat apart for clients, >1 meter apart from staff).
2. One companion per pet.
3. No entry for clients exhibiting signs of illness (coughing, runny nose, fever).
4. Disinfectant placed at the entrance (foot vat).
5. Hand disinfectants available to all clients inside the clinic.
6. Aerial disinfection done hourly inside the clinic.
How to access AVCI?

To access AVCI Main, please refer to the map. All access are blocked except for the road occupied by the SEAOIL fuel station. You may reach us through this route.