Listed here are our information videos, or INFOVIDEOS, on anything about pet care, pet health and our advertisements. The videos presented are less technical and very well suited for the general “pet lover” audience. These are arranged from the latest post to the oldest.

Infovideo #7. CBC at AVCI.

Infovideo #6. Simparica at AVCI Shop.

Simparica is now available at AVCI Shop. Choose a link according to your dog’s weight:
• 10mg (2.5–5 kg) –
• 20 mg (5.1–10 kg) –
• 40 mg (10.1–20 kg) –
• 80 mg (20.1–40 kg) –

Infovideo #5. Equilibrio RE at AVCI Shop.

Equilibrio RE is now available at AVCI Shop. Visit us now at

Infovideo #4. AVCI Now Sells Online.

AVCI has embraced the NEW NORMAL. We now sell online. Visit us at AVCI SHOP.

Infovideo #3. Biocan Novel Against Parvovirus 2c.

Biocan Novel is derived from Parvovirus 2b which confers protection against the new Parvovirus 2c while giving the needed security against the older types – Parvovirus 2 & 2a.

Infovideo #2. Things You Don't Give To Pets.

Items that are considered toxic or not safe for dogs and cats.

Infovideo #1. Chicken Allergy in Dogs.

Can dogs be given chicken meat or chicken-based pet food?

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