Successful Treatment of Coagulopathy-Related Hematoma and Ear Infection in a Canine Patient with Carica Papaya Leaf Extract (CPLE)

Coagulopathy is a disorder characterized by impaired blood clotting, which can lead to various health complications in pets. This article presents a case of a male canine patient who presented at Aycardo Veterinary Center Inc. (AVCI) with a large lump on the left side of the face that had been present for over a month. The dog was diagnosed with a bleeding left ear infection and a painful hematoma on the left zygomatic region, caused by coagulopathy (prolonged activated coagulation time). The treatment approach, including the use of Carica papaya leaf extract (CPLE), resulted in significant improvement and reduction in the hematoma size, as well as the resolution of the ear infection.

Understanding Coagulopathy in Pets and Its Possible Causes

Coagulopathy refers to a condition in which the body’s normal blood clotting mechanisms are impaired. In pets, coagulation disorders can arise from various causes, including genetic abnormalities, liver disease, certain medications, infectious diseases, or immune-mediated disorders. In this case, the canine patient had a coagulopathy that resulted in the formation of a painful hematoma exacerbated by a bleeding ear infection.

The Role of Carica papaya Leaf Extract (CPLE) in Coagulopathy and Thrombocytopenia

Carica papaya, commonly known as papaya, is a tropical fruit with medicinal properties. Its leaf extract, CPLE, has been investigated for its potential to improve coagulopathy and thrombocytopenia. Studies have shown that CPLE contains bioactive compounds, such as papain and carpain, which possess anti-inflammatory and antiplatelet properties.

Carica papaya leaf extract has been found to stimulate platelet production and enhance clotting factors in the blood. It can increase platelet counts and reduce bleeding time, making it a promising natural remedy for coagulation disorders. Additionally, CPLE has shown efficacy in reducing inflammation, which aids in the healing process.

As a summary, CPLE can:

  • Stimulate the bone marrow to produce more platelets.
  • Protect the platelets from being destroyed by antibodies or viruses.
  • Enhance the function of platelets by increasing their aggregation and adhesion.
  • Regulate the expression of genes involved in clotting and inflammation.
  • Inhibit the activity of viral proteases that damage platelet membranes.

Effect of Carica papaya Leaf Extract (CPLE) on Bleeding and Hematoma

In the presented case, the canine patient’s hematoma was worsened by the coagulopathy, leading to a significantly swollen zygomatic region. The treatment approach at AVCI involved daily administration of Carica papaya leaf extract (CPLE). This natural remedy was chosen to address the underlying coagulation disorder and promote blood clotting.

Over a period of three weeks, the hematoma size significantly reduced, and the ear infection ceased bleeding. The combination of CPLE, along with oral doxycycline for the coagulopathy, proved effective in managing the bleeding and improving the overall condition of the dog.


Coagulopathy in pets can present significant health challenges, often leading to complications such as hematomas and bleeding disorders. The case of the canine patient at AVCI highlights the successful treatment of a coagulopathy-related hematoma and ear infection using a combination of Carica papaya leaf extract (CPLE) and appropriate antibiotics.

Carica papaya leaf extract has shown promising effects in promoting blood clotting, reducing bleeding time, and alleviating inflammation. However, it is important to note that individual responses may vary, and any treatment approach should be carried out under veterinary supervision.

Further research and clinical trials are warranted to explore the full potential of Carica papaya leaf extract in managing coagulation disorders in pets. Nonetheless, the presented case demonstrates the encouraging outcomes achieved in this particular canine patient, providing insights into the potential benefits of CPLE in veterinary medicine.

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