A Case of Paracetamol Toxicity in a Whippet

Whippet's Recovery from Paracetamol Toxicity: A Lesson in Responsible Medication A recent case at Aycardo Veterinary Center Inc. (AVCI) involving a male Whippet serves as a poignant reminder of the potential dangers lurking in our medicine cabinets. The Whippet's ordeal began with well-intentioned but misguided actions by his owners. They…


A Case of Pemphigus Foliaceus and Pemphigus Vulgaris Seen in Two Dogs

Pemphigus in Pets: A Comprehensive Understanding and Proper Diagnosis At Aycardo Veterinary Center Inc. (AVCI), two distressed dogs recently sought help for their chronic skin conditions, which had eluded accurate diagnoses and effective treatment. These cases shed light on the significance of proper identification and management of autoimmune skin diseases…


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